Product Name: BULGUR WHEAT                                                                                         Revised 03/25/15

Product UPC #: 0-71518-02422-2

Shelf Life of Product:18 MONTHS

Code Date Location on Package: BOTTOM




•Kosher:Orthodox Union Parve          

•Whole Grain Stamp 40g              

•Non-GMO verification


Health Information:

•Low Fat    

•No Saturated Fat      

•No Trans Fat      

•No Cholesterol

•No Sodium    

•No Sugar    

•High in Fiber

•Whole Grain 40g per serving


Allergen Information:

•Contains Wheat

•Produced in a peanut/tree nut free environment .

•Shared equipment with Wheat, Corn, and Dairy.  

•Egg Free


Storage recommendation:

•Dry product may be stored at room temperature, in refrigerator, or in freezer at least until the code date on the package

•Prepared product should be consumed within 1 week of preparation.

•Let product cool completely before storing.

•Store with loose fitting lid when at room temperature.


What to look for if the product is bad: 

•Dry product: lumps, clumping, infestation, and a typical odor.

•Prepared product: Mold or discoloration.

Substitution ratios in recipes:

•Oil: Milled Flax (see flax package for substitution) or equal parts applesauce, yogurt, or banana

•Egg: Egg substitute, 2 egg whites, ¼ cup of tofu

•Milk: soymilk or favorite milk type product (1 to 1 ratio)

•See for other ideas.

Product uses (i.e. as an ingredient, cooked, raw):

•This product may be cooked or used as an ingredient. Soaking is recommended before use as an ingredient


Nutritional Benefits:

•Dietary Fiber 5g

•Insoluable Fiber 5 grams

•Protein 5g


Product specific questions:

Product of the USA


How is bulgur different than other wheat?

Bulgur is whole wheat, which has been pre-cooked (steamed) dried and cracked. It takes less time to cook than other wheat cereals.

Can I use milk instead of water?


Is this cereal considered whole grain?


Can I microwave this product?

Yes, Microwave on high for 2 minutes stirring every 30 seconds. Repeat an additional 2 minutes.

Can I add ingredients to my cereal?

Up to 1/2 cup of fruits, nuts, or seeds may be added. Dried fruits should be soaked first.

 How much soy is in this product?

None. Soy has been removed in the reformulation.

Why did you remove the soy?

It is one of the major allergens and it required extra cleaning in the production process.

Do I need to refrigerate this?


What else can I do with this?

This can be used as a substitute for rice, potatoes or as an ingredient in baking muffins (see recipe on package) or other things such as bread. It can also be added to soups, pancakes, stuffing, or in ground meat as a meat extender. One of the most popular uses for bulgur is in Tabooli, the recipe is on the package.