Product Name: OLD FASHINONED OAT BRAN HOT CEREAL Revised 05/19/17
Product UPC #: 0-71518-01022-5
Shelf Life of Product: 18 MONTHS
Code Date Location on Package: BOTTOM
Ingredients: OATS (milled to concentrate Oat Bran)
•Kosher - Orthodox Union Parve
•Non-GMO Verified
Health Information:
•Low Fat
•No Saturated Fat
•No Trans Fat
•No Cholesterol
•No Sodium
•Good source of fiber
•No Sugar
•Good source of Iron
Allergen Information:
•Naturally Wheat Free
•Produced in a peanut/tree nut free environment.
•Shared equipment with Wheat, Corn, Soy, and Dairy.
•Egg Free
Storage recommendation:
•Dry product may be stored at room temperature, in refrigerator, or in freezer at least until the code date on the package.
•Prepared product should be consumed within 1 week of preparation.
•Let product cool completely before storing.
•Store cooked product with loose fitting lid when at room temperature.
What to look for if the product is bad:
•Dry product: lumps, clumping, infestation, and atypical odor.
•Prepared product: Mold or discoloration.
Substitution ratios in recipes:
•Oil: Milled Flax, banana, yogurt, applesauce (see flax package for substitution)
•Egg: Egg substitute, 2 egg whites, ¼ cup of tofu
•Milk: soymilk or favorite milk type product (1 to 1 ratio)
•See for other ideas.
Product uses (i.e. as an ingredient, cooked, raw):
•Used as a hot cereal. May be used as an ingredient in baked goods.
•We do not recommend eating before cooking.
Nutritional Benefits: 40g serving
•Insoluble Fiber 3 grams
•Soluble Fiber 2 grams
•Cholesterol benefits
•Potassium 180mg 4%
•Magnesium 73mg per serving
•Phosphorus 217mg per serving
•Beta Glucan 2.23g per serving
Important cooking tip:
•When cooking as a hot cereal, use a large bowl and stir every 30 seconds to release the steam during the cooking process. It will expand when cooking and will overflow in a serving size bowl. You may want to cook at 50% power to help from the overflow.
Product Specific Questions:
Product of the USA:
Can I use milk instead of water?
Yes, it will make a creamier cereal.
Can I eat oat bran cereal without cooking, add to juice, etc.
No, we do not recommend eating this cereal without cooking.
Is Oat Bran considered whole grain?
It is not a whole grain cereal. It is the bran layer of the oat groat.
Can I add ingredients to my cereal?
Up to 1/2 cup of fruits, nuts, or seeds may be added. Dried fruits should be soaked first.
What is the difference between rolled oats and Oat Bran Hot Cereal?
Rolled oats are simply flattened whole oats and our product is only the bran layer.
How do you make Oat Bran Hot Cereal?
We start with whole grain oat groats, and use a roller mill to crack and split the fiber-rich bran away from the starchy core, or endosperm,which generally becomes fine flour. Then we sift off some of the finer flour, leaving the larger bran flecks.
What is the nutritional difference?
Oat Bran has less carbohydrates per serving compared to rolled oats as the endosperm is sifted off. Oat bran has a coarser texture than oatmeal and is higher in protein. The fiber is the same as thick rolled oats.
Why is your serving size 1/3 cup when others are ½ cup?
Grams determine the serving size. The FDA required 40 grams in a serving and the closest household measurement for 40g. Our oat bran is a denser product and will take up less space than the other products.
How much Beta Glucan is in the Oat Bran cereal per serving?
There are 2.23 grams Beta Glucan in a serving of Oat Bran cereal.
How much Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are in a 40g serving?
Omega-3 fatty acids: 44 mg / 40 g serving.
Omega-6 fatty acids: 972 mg / 40 g serving.
How do I substitute when recipe calls for rolled oats?
Use ½ of specified amount of rolled oats i.e. 1 cup rolled oats, use ½ cup oat bran.
What is steel cut oats?
This refers to the manufacturing process in that the oats are passed through steel blades
that shear the oat groat to a certain specification. Steel cut oats are whole grain.
Why is my product jumping around in the package?
This is caused by static electricity between the bag material and the product. It is harmless.
Is your oat bran heated during the process?