Product Name: Multi Grain Hot Cereal with Quinoa and Flax Revised 03/25/15
Product UPC#: 0-71518- 01044-7
Shelf Life of Product: 18 MONTHS
Code Date Location on Package: BOTTOM
•Kosher – Orthodox Union Parve
• Non-GMO Verified
Health Information:
•No Sodium
•No Trans Fat
• >1g Sugar
•No Cholesterol
•High Fiber
•Good source of Protein
Allergen Information:
•Produced in a peanut/tree nut environment
•Contains Wheat
•Shared equipment with Wheat, Corn, Soy and Dairy.
•Egg Free
Storage recommendation:
• Store at room temperature.
• For best results, store in refrigerator.
What to look for if product is bad:
•Dry product: infestation and atypical odor.
Product uses (i.e. as an ingredient, cooked, raw):
•Used as an ingredient for hot cereal, in salads, baked goods.
Nutritional Benefits:
• Protein – 6g
• Dietary fiber – 6g considered Good source of fiber: insoluble 5g soluble 1g
• 450 of Omega -3 OilsGood source of Omega 3 oils
• Iron – 8%
• Calcium – 2% •Sodium– 0%
• Potassium 202mg per 40g serving
• Phosphorus 200 mg per 40g serving
Product Specific Questions:
Product of the USA:
Produced in the USA. Quinoa is imported from Bolivia/Peru
Is it considered whole grain?
No it is not. But it does contain quinoa flakes and cracked whole wheat, which are whole grain.
Why did you remove the soy?
Soy is one of the major allergens.Many people are allergic to soy. It required special cleanup on the production line. Could not be verified as Non-GMO with soy as an ingredient.
What are Quinoa flakes?
Quinoa is considered to be one of the “ancient grains”. It was first grown in the Andes Mountains.It is also grown in South America and Colorado Rocky Mountains.
It is actually a seed and belongs to the same family as beets and spinach.It is 100% whole grain. It is a great food for vegetarians as it contains complete proteins along with fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, iron, magnesium and other vitamins and minerals. It can be found in several different colors, yellow, red, brown and black.In its natural state, it has a coating of bitter tasting saponins. Quinoa sold commercially in North America has been processed to remove this coating.The seeds have been processed into flakes.
What are the benefits of Flax?
Milled Flax Seed is one of the highest plant sources of Omegea-3’s. Omega-3’s help reduce inflammation, help control blood pressure, help control cholesterol by increasing the ration of good fats to bad. It is known to improve eye health. It is also known for its fiber, protein, calcium, and iron. It has the added benefit of hormone balancing phytoestrogens called lignans, all of which help promote your healthy lifestyle.