Product Name: WHOLE WHEAT PENNE PASTA Revised 02/09/17
Product UPC # 0-71518-00039-4
Shelf Life of Product: 2 ½ YEARS
Code Date Location on Package: BOTTOM OF THE BOX
•Kosher - Orthodox Union Parve
•Verified100% Whole Grain Stamp
Health Information:
•Low Fat
•No Sodium
•No Saturated Fat
•High Fiber
•No Trans Fat
•Low in Sugar
•No Cholesterol
Allergen Information:
•Contains wheat
•Corn Free
•Soy Free
•Produced in a peanut/tree nut free environment.
•Produced on shared equipment. May contain traces of soy and eggs.
Storage recommendation:
•Dry product may be stored at room temperature, in refrigerator, or in freezer at least until the code date on the package.
•Prepared product should be consumed within 1 week of preparation.
•Let product cool completely before storing.
What to look for if the product is bad:
•Dry product: lumps, clumping, infestation, and atypical odor.
•Prepared product: Mold or discoloration.
Substitution ratios in recipes:
Whole Wheat pasta can be used in same amounts as semolina pasta.
Product uses (i.e. as an ingredient, cooked, raw):
•This product should only be consumed cooked.
Nutritional Benefits:
•Insoluble Fiber 6 grams
•Protein 9g
•Whole Grain 57g per serving
Product Specific Questions:
Product of the USA:
How much does a 2 oz dry serving equal to cooked?
2 oz. dry pasta equals one cup cooked pasta
Cooking Instructions:
Use one-gallon water to cook pasta. Salt water if desired. Do not add oil to water. Bring water to a boil add pasta. Bring back to rolling boil and then begin timing pasta. Cook to desired tenderness. Do not overcook. Drain but do not rinse.
Should I add oil to the water when cooking? People say it keeps it from sticking together.
No. It will keep the sauce from sticking to the pasta after it is cooked.
Should I add salt to the water when cooking?
It is optional.It is simply to add flavor to the pasta during cooking.
Why does the water get foamy when cooking?
It is the starch cooking out of the pasta.It is completely normal.Cook pasta at a rolling
boil instead of a hard boil.
What can I add to my pasta?
Favorite cooked vegetables or meat may be added.
What is al dente?
It is an Italian word that translates “to the tooth”. It means it is cooked on the outside and yet firm on the inside.
How do I tell if it is al dente?
Bite a piece of pasta in your back teeth. When it no longer sticks to the teeth, it is al dente.
What is the difference between whole grain pasta and regular semolina pasta?
All wheat pasta comes from Durum wheat.Whole wheat pasta uses the entire wheat kernel. Semolina pasta has been stripped of its wheat bran and germ layers, leaving only the starchy endosperm.There is very little fiber remaining in semolina pasta.
How is Durum flour different?
Durum flour has a much higher protein content than baking flour, which allows it to be formed into many different shapes. There are literally hundreds of types of shapes of pasta. Durum flour is often used in Italian recipes for breads and cookies.