Product name: GLUTEN FREE UNBLANCHED ALMOND FLOUR/MEAL                          Revised 03/25/15


Product UPC#: 0-71518- 02181- 8

Shelf life of product: 18 MONTHS 

Code date location on package: BOTTOM CENTER ON BACK PANEL



Kosher-Orthodox Union Parve      

CSA Celiac Sprue Association          

Non-GMO Verified

Health Information:  

No Sodium        

No Trans Fat        

1g sugar        

No Cholesterol 

Wheat Free      


Gluten Free

Allergen Information: 

 Corn Free        

Egg Free      

Soy Free 

Produced in a gluten free environment

Contains almonds/nuts  peanut free environment 

This flour has only been around Almond Flour or Coconut other tree nut

Country of Origin:


Storage recommendation: 

Store at room temperature before opening    

•Refrigerate after opening

What to look for if product is bad: 

Dry product:infestation and atypical odor.

Substitution ratios in recipes:  

To convert a traditional recipe for gluten-free baking, replace almond flour/meal for up to 1/3 of the total white flour then use additional gluten-free flours for the remaining 2/3 of the total flour.

Product uses (i.e. as an ingredient, cooked, raw): 

Used as an ingredient baked goods in combination with other gluten free flours.  Coating for chicken or fish.

Nutritional Benefits:

Protein – 5g      

•Dietary Fiber –  3g insoluble 0g soluble

Sugar - 1g          

Iron – 6%          

Calcium – 6%          

Sodium- 0mg

Potassium - 155mg per serving (22g)


 Product Specific Questions:

How can I be sure it is gluten free?   

Certified by CSA Celiac Sprue Association. It is produced in a gluten free environment on a dedicated line.Batches are tested used Elisa Gluten Assay test.

Is it considered whole grain?

No it is not. Almonds are nuts, not grain.

Where does it come from?

It is made from California Almonds.

What is Almond Flour/Meal? 

Almond Flour/Meal is made from finely ground unblanched almonds. It is higher in protein than most other flours. Unblanched Almond Flour/Meal contains all of the nutrients in the skin of the almond especially Vitamin E as well as other nutrients and minerals.“A unique combination of flavonoids have been identified in almonds with their skins.Blood tests demonstrated that almonds with their skins increase both flavonoids and vitamin E in the body. This could have significant health implications especially as people age.” – Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D. Tufts University.

How do I use Almond Flour/Meal? 

Use as a flour substitute when combined with other gluten free flours such as potato, coconut, rice or potato flours with the addition of xanthan gum.It adds moistness and nutty taste to baked goods.It can be used as a thickening agent.Several spoonfuls of almond flour/meal can have the same effect as flour or cornstarch without the adverse health effects. It can also be used in almond coatings for chicken, fish and meat and for sprinkles on salads. Most savory recipes require natural unblanched almond flour/meal for better crunch.

Is the pouch material BPA free?

 Yes, it is on the pouch.

Are the almonds used in your almond flour/meal pasturized? 

Yes, The natural flour/meal we have is a mix of PPO (propylene oxide which is a chemical used for non-organic almonds) and steam pasteurized almonds.


How many almonds are in 1/4 c. almond meal/flour? 

20-25 medium-sized almonds.

How much Almond Meal for 1 cup of Almonds in a recipe?

Use 1 cup of Almond flour/meal for 1 cup of almonds