Revised 03/25/15
Product UPC #: 0-71518-01018-8
Shelf Life of Product: 18 MONTHS
Code Date Location on Package: BOTTOM
•Kosher - Orthodox Union Parve
•Non-GMO Verified
Health Information:
•No Fat
•No Saturated Fat
•No Trans Fat
•No Cholesterol
•No Sodium
•No Sugar
•Good source of Iron
•High Fiber
Allergen Information:
•Contains Wheat.
•Produced in a peanut/tree nut free environment
•Shared equipment with Wheat, Corn, and Dairy
•Egg Free
Storage recommendation:
•Dry product may be stored at room temperature, in refrigerator, or in freezer at least until the code date on the package.
•Prepared product should be consumed within 1 week of preparation.
•Let product cool completely before storing.
•Store with loose fitting lid when at room temperature.
What to look for if the product is bad:
•Dry product: lumps, clumping, infestation, and a typical odor.
•Prepared product: Mold or discoloration
Substitution ratios in recipes:
•Oil: Milled Flax (see flax package for substitution) or equal parts applesauce, yogurt, or banana
•Egg: Egg substitute, 2 egg whites, ¼ cup of tofu
•Milk: soymilk or favorite milk type product(1 to 1 ratio)
•See for other ideas.
Product uses (i.e. as an ingredient, cooked, raw):
•Used as a food additive or as an ingredient. It can also be used as a meat extender. Recommend soaking in warm liquid prior to use in a recipe.
Nutritional Benefits:
•High Fiber 7g
•Insoluble Fiber 6 grams
•Soluble Fiber 1 gram
•Potassium 185mg
•Phosphorus 152mg
•Omega 3 - 25mg per 15g serving
•Omega 6 - 306mg per 15g serving
Product Specific Questions:
Product of the USA:
What part of the wheat kernel is wheat bran?
It is the outside layer of the wheat kernel.
What kind of wheat does it come from?
It is the outside layer of soft red wheat.
How much wheat bran can I consume on a daily basis?
A serving size is a ¼ cup, but you may want to start slowly if you have not been on
a high fiber diet.
Can I eat it raw?
It is best used as an ingredient or as an additive in juice, cereal, etc.
Why do you have on the package that it cannot be eaten raw?
-this is the same quality ingredient we have always offered our customers.
- we are now required to put this statement on our package according to new regulations, because this product is not heat treated or processed.
- our customer's safety is paramount, and we have an excellent food safety record. We have even added microbiological monitoring program for over 500 sites throughout our plant to test for harmful microbes and we have never found any evidence.
Will this affect any medication I am taking?
We do not offer medical advice. Please check with your health professional.
Can I give this to my pet?
Yes, you can. But it will depend on the size of the animal. Check with your veterinarian. There are recipes on our website for pets.
What is the substitution ratio for flour in a recipe?
Remove ¼ of the recipe amount of flour and replace with Wheat Bran.
Can it be substituted for wheat germ?
Yes, but use ½ of the amount of specified in the recipe.
How can I add wheat bran to my diet?
Wheat bran can be added to casseroles, cereals, baked goods, yogurt, salads and more. If added to baked goods, the moisture in the recipe will need to be adjusted. Hodgson Mill has a Wheat Bran/Wheat Germ recipe booklet available upon request.
What amount can I add to a recipe without substituting?
Up to ½ of a cup. If wheat bran is soaked first, liquid may not have to be adjusted.If added dry, you may have to add liquid until desired consistency is reached.
Why is my product jumping around in the package?
This is caused by static electricity between the bag material and the product. It is harmless.
Are there pesticides in the wheat bran?
Per Siemer Milling, our supplier:
“Quarterly samples are sent out for pesticide residue testing. Samples are consistently below regulatory limits.”
The only guarantee for having no pesticides is to buy organic products. Pesticides are not allowed in the growing of organic products.
What is insoluble fiber?
It does not dissolve in water. Passes through the body undigested. Helps to keep the bowels regular.