Product Name: GOLDEN MILLED FLAX SEED                                                         Revised 03/25/15

Product UPC #: 0-71518-01016-4

Shelf Life of Product: 18 MONTHS

Code Date Location on Package: BOTTOM




•Kosher: Orthodox Union Parve            

•Non-GMO Verified

•Oregon Tilth Certified           

 •Certified Gluten Free      

•Celiac Support Association


Health Information:

•No Saturated Fat     

•No Trans Fat      

•No Cholesterol       

 •No Sodium

•No Sugar     


•2600 mg omega 3 oil per serving     

•Good source of Fiber

•No Iodine

Allergen Information:

•Gluten Free     

•Wheat Free    

•Dairy Free      

•Soy Free      

•Egg Free      

•Produced in a peanut/tree nut free environment               


Storage recommendation:

•Unopened package may be stored at room temperature in cool dry environment.

•Place in refrigerator after opening.  

•Can be stored in freezer at least until the code date on the package.

•Prepared product should be consumed within 1 week of preparation.

•Let product cool completely before storing.

•Store cooked product with loose fitting lid when at room temperature.


What to look for if the product is bad: 

 •Dry product: lumps, clumping, infestation, and atypical odor.

 •Prepared product: Mold or discoloration.

Substitution ratios in recipes:

•Oil: Milled Flax, banana, yogurt, applesauce (see flax package for substitution)

•Egg: Egg substitute, 2 egg whites, ¼ cup of tofu

•Milk: soymilk or favorite milk type product (1 to 1 ratio)

•See for other ideas.

 Product uses (i.e. as an ingredient, cooked, raw)

•This product may be added to any food. Cooked or uncooked


Nutritional Benefits:

•Omega 3 oils

•Insoluble fiber 3 grams

•Soluble fiber 1gram

•Potassium 108 mg  .83%

Product Specific Questions:

Product of the USA:

Do you have to use it right away? How long can I keep it?

Our milled flax will last at least one year in the package from the time we produced it. If the product is stored properly it will last at least another six months.


Is Flax Seed considered a whole grain?

No-It is an oil seed. Milled flax seed has all the benefits of the whole seed but the body is able to utitlize all of the nutrients when it is milled.


Why is your flaxseed different?

We have a patented process on our flax. It is a cold rolled process to keep the oils below a certain temperature to keep the oils from going rancid. The quality of our product is unmatched. Fiber and oil benefits are all here.

What is the difference between brown and golden flaxseed?

Brown and golden flax are nutritionally identical and may be interchanged in recipes. Golden Flax Seed is organic.


How much omega-6 oil is in this product?

Approximately 800 mg per serving.


Does it have a flavor? What does it taste like?

It has a slightly nutty flavor.


Why is my product jumping around in the pouch?

This is caused by static electricity between the bag material and the product. It is harmless.


Does flax lose its nutritional benefits during baking?


What happens if I do not refrigerate it?

The natural oils in flax are best kept cool or cold. Rancidity is a possibility if it is not stored properly.