Product Name: WHITE QUINOA                                                                                                     Revised 4/30/15


Product UPC#: 0-71518-03071-1

Shelf Life of Product: 18 MONTHS

Code Date Location on Package: BACK PANEL, LOWER LEFT CORNER

Ingredients: WHITE QUINOA



Kosher – Orthodox Union Parve      

Non-GMO Verified        

Celiac Support Association Certified      

100% Whole Grain Stamp

Health Information:

Low Fat      

No Cholesterol        

No Trans Fat        

Low Sugar       

Low Sodium   

Wheat Free      



Allergen Information:   

• Wheat Free        

Gluten Free 

•Egg Free     

Produced in a peanut free environment 

 Ran on same line as dairy.

Storage recommendation: 

Dry product may be stored at room temperature, in refrigerator, or in freezer at least until the code date on the package. 

Prepared product should be consumed within 1 week of preparation.

What to look for if product is bad:

Dry product:lumps, clumping, infestation and atypical odor. 

Prepared product:Mold or discoloration.

Product uses (i.e. as an ingredient, cooked, raw):

Use as a substitute for rice or couscous, in soups or cooked and used in salads. It can be used as a meat extender or meat substitute in vegetarian dishes.

Nutritional Benefits:  

Iron 15%      

Protein 7g        

Dietary Fiber 2g        

Whole Grain(100%) 46g per serving



Product Specific Questions:

How can I be sure it is Gluten Free? 

Certified by the Celiac Support Association to be 5ppm. It is produced in a gluten free environment on a dedicated line. Batches are tested used Elisa Gluten Assay test.

What is White Quinoa?

Quinoa is a pseudo-cereal rather than a true cereal and is not a member of the true grass family. It is related to and resembles amaranth. It is grown primarily for its edible seeds.

What is its point of origin? 

It is grown in Peru/Bolivia but we source all of our grains through American importers.

Is there any difference from the other colors of Quinoa?

No, the only difference is the color. They are same nutritional value and similar taste.

Is it considered Whole Grain? 

Yes, it has the 100% Whole Grain stamp.

How do I use White Quinoa?   

It can be used in recipes in place of rice or couscous, as a pilaf, in soup, stuffing or casseroles. It is an ideal food for a vegetarian diet because of its nutritional value and versatility. You can combine it with your favorite roasted vegetable or meat for a quick and healthy entrée. It blends well with meat and can be used as an extender or meat substitute in recipes like tacos.

Do I have to wash White Quinoa?

In its natural state, quinoa does have a coating of bitter-tasting saponins making them unpalatable and unpopular with birds, therefore requiring minimal protection. But most of the grain sold commercially has been processed to remove this coating. It would not hurt to rinse it just in case there is some residue saponin.

Why should I eat Quinoa?

It is considered to be a source of complete protein because of the type of protein it contains. It contains all nine of the essential amino acids. It is a rich source of B vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and folate. It is a good source of vitamin E and potassium. It is an excellent plant-based protein for vegans and vegetarians and those who are lactose intolerant.


 Can I make this into Quinoa Flour?

Yes, place quinoa into a high speed food processor for about 2 minutes. This will result in a nice granular flour. For even better quinoa flour, toast your quinoa in a skillet over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. It will make a light popping sound when toasting beings.You will want this sound for a minute or two. Let quinoa cool before adding to your food processor. Store the flour by putting it in an airtight container and keep in a refrigerator until you are ready to use it. Use quinoa flour as soon as you can. Due to the high fat content, quinoa flour does not keep very long.