Product UPC#: 0-71518-03112-1
Shelf Life of Product: 18 MONTHS
Code Date Location on Package: BACK PANEL, LOWER LEFT CORNER
•Kosher – Orthodox Union Parve
•Non-GMO Verified
•100% Whole Grain Stamp
Health Information:
•Low Fat
•No Cholesterol
•No Trans Fat
•No Sugar
•No Sodium
Allergen Information:
•Produced in a peanut free environment.
Storage recommendation:
•Dry product may be stored at room temperature, in refrigerator, or in freezer at least until the code date on the package.
•Prepared product should be consumed within 1 week of preparation.
What to look for if product is bad:
•Dry product:lumps, clumping, infestation and atypical odor.
•Prepared product: Mold or discoloration.
Product uses (i.e. as an ingredient, cooked, raw):
•Used as a substitute for rice or couscous, in soups or cooked and used in salads. It can be used as a meat extender or meat substitute in vegetarian dishes. Best known as ingredient in tabouleh salad.
Nutritional Benefits:
•Iron 6%
•Dietary Fiber 4g
•Phosphorus 15%
•Whole Grain(100%) 42g per serving
•Magnesium 25%
•Protein 7g
Product Specific Questions:
Product of the USA:
What is Kamut?
Kamut is a type of ancient wheat that's more nutritious than conventionally grown grains. It's also called Khorasan wheat or Pharaoh grain, owing to the fact that grains were discovered in ancient Egyptian tombs.
What is Organic Cracked Kamut® Khorasan Bulgur Wheat?
Kamut® Khorasan Bulgur Wheat is quick cooking form of whole Kamut grain that has been cleaned, parboiled and dried. The result is a nutritious, versatile product with a pleasant, nut-like and buttery flavor with an extended shelf-life that allows it to be store for long periods.
How is it different than regular wheat?
Kamut is rich in Protein, approximately 30% more protein than wheat. Since it has a slightly higher fatty acid content, this grain can be considered as high energy grain. It is immensely beneficial with its stock of Vit E, Magnesium, Zinc, Phosphorus, Thiamin etc. However, it has to be noted that it has less fiber than wheat. It is easy to digest though.
Is it gluten free?
No, Kamut is off limits to people suffering with Celiac Disease. However some people who are allergic to wheat can tolerate kamut. Always check with your doctor.
Is it the same as cracked wheat?
Bulgur differs from cracked wheat in that it has been pre-cooked. It is ready to eat with minimal cooking.
Is it considered whole grain?
Yes, it has the 100% Whole Grain stamp.
How do I use Organic Cracked Kamut® Khorasan Bulgur Wheat?
It can be cooked and used in recipes calling for converted rice. It can be used in place of rice or couscous, as a pilaf, in soup, stuffing or casseroles. It is an ideal food for a vegetarian diet because of its nutritional value and versatility. It is best known as the main ingredient of tabouleh salad.
Do I have to cook Kamut® Khorasan Bulgur Wheat?
No. It can be soaked in water or broth and can be mixed with other ingredients without further cooking.